Adulting 101 : Sick Days

Being sick sucks!!! I recently caught what my hotel has lovingly (or not so lovingly) dubbed the Marriott Plague. I was down for the count for almost 10 days.

At least when you’re a kid there is a slight silver lining of being able to stay home from school, cuddled in bed, while your mom brings your chicken noodle soup. In the real adult world, when you’re sick you still have to go to work, most likely in uncomfortable business dress clothes, and if you want chicken noodle soup you have to make it yourself.

With that being said, here are 8 tips to help you cope.

  1. An apple a day does NOT keep the doctor away! While eating healthy can help you stave off a cold, it is also good to have a local doctor you can trust.
  2. Prevention is the best medicine! Do everything in your power to avoid getting sick! Avoid those co-workers with the sniffles, take care of your body, and above all else WASH YOUR HANDS!
  3. If you do get sick, ignorance is NOT the cure. Pretending that you aren’t sick is not the best way to get better.
  4. Chicken noodle soup is magic! No lie, science has actually proven that chicken noodle soup can help you get better faster.
  5. Sleep, sleep, and more sleep. Sleep when you can. I work 10 hour days, which left 14 hours to sleep. And sleep I did.
  6. Fluids will do you wonders. Drink vitamin c, tea, water, Gatorade, etc. Anything hydrating that you can get your hands on. The more you drink, the easier time your body will have flushing toxins from your system.
  7. Take a hot shower/bath. This is especially key if you have any congestion. The steam will help everything open up. Gross, but necessary.
  8. Call your parents. They want to hear from you, and the little dose of remembrance from being a kid will help heal your soul.

There you go. My top 8 tips to help make sick days suck a little less. If you have any tips, please share them in the comments below!

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